One shoe off and one shoe on…………….diddle diddle dumpling my son……….
When taking children to visit friends and family, they are expected to be polite, obedient, well behaved and have lovely manners; these conditions are expected of them however, at times some children just seem to forget no matter how well the children have been taught!!
Nagging is part of the No Excuses busy household (more on the topic of nagging can be read here), the children do know right from wrong and even our 4 yr old after being told off for his latest artwork behind a lounge wall will most probably not do that again (well at least not on the same wall) !
When children have done something idiotic or really stupid they seem to escape or hide pretending it wasn’t them! These acts of utter stupidity, insanity, silliness and foolishness are when parents are humiliated, embarrassed and down right dumbfounded.
The parents at No Excuses recently had one of those moments … that involved a bon fire, an almost 7 year old boy and a shoe!
Being this time of year ~ late Autumn to early Winter, it’s a time for bonfire nights with friends. There is nothing more fun for the children (and adults with glass in hand) to sit by an outside fire toasting marshmallows and singing happy tunes to a strumming guitar (although there was no music on this particular occasion).
There was a gathering of 3 families with a total of 20 children (with two of the No Excuses children at sleepovers). After the initial lighting of the fire by the supervising male adult, the many children had lots of fun throwing sticks, branches and small logs onto the fire. This excitement lasted but a little while until the fun wore off and those that were way too little to be left unattended went indoors!
Slight rain and drizzle occurred, so the remainder of firebugs were thought to have all come inside. However little did the unsuspecting adults know……
While gathered around the adult beverages and munchies; a very sad, distraught, anxious and confused 11 year old boy with wide eyes and a fear in his voice blurts out…
“mum…………Aaron…..threw my shoe into the fire”.
The other shoe being held up high for all the adults too see.
Before thinking of an apologetic reply……. the 11 year old’s father blurted out…
“what I want to know is, why were your shoes off or how did a 7 year old manage to take off your shoes”?
Meanwhile, Mr No Excuses went straight out the door searching for the perpetrator who had seemed to have scattered after the shoe tossing. It took a good 10 minutes to search for the boy and believe me HE KNEW he was in trouble.
Thankfully my friend (and the mother of the lost shoe) was not too worried about the whole ordeal “at least it was not his new pair I just bought a day ago” she said.
If only he decided to toss his own in though as they are a sorry state of affairs…
……. and I would have had a good excuse to buy some more!
So tell me, who else has had silly and foolish child that has left you humiliated, embarrassed and down right dumbfounded? I would really love to hear some of your stories in the comments below!