A bookshelf should be a wall feature ~ not an eyesore!
This VIP was written by Pam, from the blog My Jewellery Box
Time to straighten out the book shelf.
Look how messy this thing is, why do people seem to think it is ok to chuck anything on a book shelf, that is meant for books!
So I will be attempting to reorganise it so it looks more pleasant and inviting to the eye and not an eyesore. There is enough extra things on the shelves that we could play a game of spotto. Hey this could be fun!
- 5 points if you can find the German doll
- 5 points if you can find the dog with the black spots
- 5 points if you can find the bowling trophy
- 10 points if you can find the cream hat
- 20 points if you can find the little Dutch porcelain clog
Oh my goodness, there is a pair of socks folded together on there, if you can find them your a champ, and I think you win the bowling trophy. ha ha ha!
The more I look at it the more I can’t believe I have not taken the time to fix it up. It is so embarrassing the way it looks right now. So I better get moving so I can show you the end result.
Some of the interesting items I found on my bookshelf:
A ball-bearing, a little teddy bear which I think came off a baby photo frame, a paper aeroplane, little black porcelain Dutch clogs, car remote control, marbles, a Statue of Liberty,some bits of a broken toy, lots of dust, but amazingly no Lego!
So here is the end result of my reshuffling and cleaning. I don’t know if it is much different but it is a lot neater and dust free. Yippee!
I have tried to put some of the books into categories, for example I have all my cook books together, novels – especially sets and magazine sets together etc. Notice I have also placed the larger books at the bottom and the smaller books in the very top shelf.
Now this will make it a lot easier when I am looking for a certain book as I will know straight away where to find it. Let’s see how long it is before someone decides to put their newly created Lego masterpiece or hat on there.

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