“Where are my socks and tie mum”?
I love coming up with ideas that involve recycling old materials and creating something new and/or useful.
After pulling my hair out with my scatterbrain child and his lost items of clothing, it was time to work out a new strategy (ironic, that I have come up with this idea only with only weeks left in the school year)…
What you need:
- A metal coat hanger
- 10 x scooby strings
- 5 – 10 clothes pegs
- A4 paper (to write on or ready for printer)
- Laminator
- Stapler
- Scissors
It’s entirely up to you which order you wish to make this; however, I designed the name tag first. If you are good on computers set up a A4 landscape document, halve it and design your child’s name and the days of the week below. If you are creative with your hands, you could even draw freehand and colour and paint if you wish (just make sure you fold in half first to get the exact measurement):
Print your designed page, fold in half and give the page a good crease.
Next open out to A4 size and laminate it (if you don’t have a laminating machine, you could use book covering contact) and then re-fold the centre crease.
Now we need construct the hanging device. Take the scoobies, fold them in half and cut them at the centre fold to make two pieces from each strand.
Join the ends and tie with a knot.
Take a peg and loop the end through the peg opening, and make a loop knot (this is called a cow-hitch knot apparently).
Next do the same thing over the coat hanger until all 5 pegs are hanging and arrange them evenly along the bar.
Place the name tag over the top of the hanging pegs and staple the two left and right bottom corners in place.
Now there is a place for all the weeks worth of school socks; and there are No Excuses for loosing them (as long as they have been hung up after washing day) …even the tie can be hung up too!