Too many face washers?

I came up with another idea today for The Kids Bathroom; if you have a look a the link and go down the page you will see that I tried storing the face washers in the cabinet drawers.  I got the idea from The Organised Housewife.  While it worked for a little while, I also found that the kids were just pulling out too many or we had WAY TOO MANY for the three drawers.  Some even ended up behind at the back of the draw cavity area.
So while I was folding my washing and giving my laundry cupboards a bit of a tidy, I came across a draw string bag the kids got from a going to watch an MCG Cricket match last year.   You should be able to pick up similar bags any where (swimming/sport equipment bags).

The bag is large enough to fit MANY face washers inside and an added bonus ~ no folding required.

Just pull the strings tight and hang the bag upside down on the bathroom door hooks. The weight of the washers keeps the hole closed enough, so nothing falls straight out.
From the lower angle; a washer can easily be taken out with ease.   

So who might give this idea a try?

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