School bags, blazers & hat storage
Last year organising the children’s items for the new school year was a challenge but we got there in the end! Perhaps your household is the same; at the end of the school day, the front door area can be a dumping ground for school bags, blazers and even shoes. Last years area although worked for a short while, ended up a mess as some of the little ones could not reach their things which were too high for them. As you can see, the blazers and hats were out of reach, which required the older girls or myself o get them down or place them back on the hooks (and this did not always happen).
This year however, I have come up with a new plan of attack. The school bags stay the same place as last year; however I have placed their names above their hooks. My eldest daughter has a pull-along bag; so her bag is on the other side of the doorway.
For the children’s blazers; I instead used a metal portable wardrobe (which was in our guest room office) and placed it at the opposite wall.
The blazers are labelled inside the button seams of the jacket, using material paints (see photo below and link here)
However, once hung up, it makes it harder to find the correct one. So I printed off and made up some tags to go over the coat hanger hooks.
As for the hats, a simple circular initial for each girl:
As for the shelves on the right….you will have to wait and see what I come up with for there; once school starts back next week.