Organising and tidying the Linen Closet

Of all areas in my home, the linen closet would have to be the one that ALWAYS gets into an untidy state. Recently I labelled some of the shelves and made it easy for the children to find and store things; however the kids for some strange reason CAN NOT read these labels or even notice they are there.
This is the state of my linen before I tidied it …..again.
Bottom shelves – blow up mattress, sleeping bags and pillows stuffed in everywhere. |
Moving upwards – lower shelf should have winter or flannelette sheet sets. The one above that Summer sheets sets. |
Again the summer sheets shelf and the very top – all blankets and quilts. Look at the labels on the shelves. |
If only I could own one of these…….
Folding would be a breeze with one of those machines – not sure it would fit in my laundry though…(perhaps they make a smaller version). Anyway, if you take a look through YouTube, there are a number of videos on how to fold fitted sheets or you can go here and see the videos I picked that are funny, amusing, stupid….and then the best!
One thing I do with my sheets sets is put the folded flat and fitted sheet inside its pillow case and store it this way. (If it’s a double set, I also put the extra pillow inside with the sheets).
When I need to get out a new set (or the kids), it is all together and I am not hunting for the matching pillowcase or sheets etc.
This system also creates less space in the cupboard.
Much better!
Changes made to the area WHERE I now store linen. Change over made on 20/1/13.