Keeping the boys wardrobe tidy (with a struggle)!
If you have been following my blog for a while, you will know that I like to keep on top of things. If the bedrooms are clean and tidy at the beginning of the day, then the rest of the house feels tidy.
If the beds are made and the wardrobes organised, then it is much easier for the children to put their clothes away or finding their clothes to wear for the next day.
HOWEVER……sometimes, things which are tidy can get disordered VERY quickly when a 3 year old is involved.
Yesterday, while my 3 year old boy was having his midday sleep (suppose to be I mean); I went in to check on him, as it was very quiet. As I entered his bedroom, piles of clothes were all over the floor in the Little Boys Room. I was about to scold him, however my frown turned into smiles, then laughter……..
He tried to dress himself and is wearing …………………..
his brothers orange skivvy (polo neck or turtle neck).
This is one of those times when I wish I had a hidden camera in the bedroom; it must have taken him some time to get his two legs through the arm holes and his bottom inside the neck area!
This is going to be one “embarrassing” story (and photos) for his 21st birthday party!