If you don’t ask, you don’t get!
Obviously it takes some courage and a bit of stamina to ask for things. Whether you are speaking to someone face to face or over the phone, business related or personal; asking for things can be daunting, however the outcome can be a positive one. Asking takes practise; and once you get the hang of asking, it does come easier over time.
Here are examples (from my own experiences):
I normally try to shop at the same stalls too, so if they say “NO”, I remind them that I am a regular customer and don’t want to have to change where I purchase my fruit and veg. This also makes them change their mind.
I also have a regular hat stall I purchase from (I have a LOVE of hats) and each time I go to this store I bargain with the sales lady, she gives me $5 off or I ask if I buy 2, will she lower the price, I have never walked away from this store without reaping the rewards.
Product sales and warranties are one area I find easy to ask for assistance. Emailing is a fantastic tool for this, as well as Facebook. Many businesses do not wish poor feedback on their wall/s therefore most issues are resolved promptly (obviously within reason of course).
When it comes to faulty products (when they are still UNDER WARRANTY), contacting the store would be your first option; however most times the store will tell you to contact the brand or company, therefore going directly through the company can be the better option in handling the situation.
When making phone calls to a company, my advise would be to have pen and paper in hand, write down the persons name you spoke to; the date and time you called and any other phone numbers they have directed you to call. Make sure you ask if you could email them or receive a confirmation email.
Emailing today is one the best ways to forward a complaint or your concerns. It is a written record and a timeline of events. Here is a personal example or two:
Earlier this year, I had to confront a company for poor customer service. I was in the right, I had only owned this product for 3 months (paid $490 for it) and it had a 2 year warranty. Many phone calls were made, along with emails to back up my findings. To make a long story short; I ended up contacting consumer affairs and VCAT, (told the company I would do so – they obviously didn’t think I would follow through my threats), I asked the company for a resolution, yet they would not fold. So only days before our VCAT hearing, the company in question, offered a store credit for the cost of our faulty product – $490. I did not have to purchase the same brand, make or model or even purchase the same item.
My point being, I NEVER gave up. I knew that if I did end up in court that there was NO way I could loose this battle.
The same goes with other products. Whether in warranty or not. A simple email does not hurt and of course you can get some negative replies. But other times, it can pay off to your advantage.
Perhaps some of your saw a recent status update and/or photo on my FB wall; regarding my broken portable clothesline. (here is the photo and write up below it).
First it was the sewage system….now my portable clothes line *crying*
(it was also full of towels at the time and ended up like this).
Well, the same day this happened I sent Hills an email along with photos. I got a reply straight away, apologising and was told my email was being passed onto the products and services manager. Today, I received some FANTASTIC news:
In response to your enquiry. A new portable clothesline has been organised for you. The reference number is XXXXXXX. You should receive this product this week.
How good is this (great timing too as the rain has come back and I have to hang out a tonne of washing)!
Another example: My freezer recently died and if I had not mentioned this in conversation to a friend; no one would have come to my rescue. However; I now have a replacement deep freezer (donated by my dearest friends – thank you so much). Again, I would not have got this if I did not ask for help.
My next quest might have to be my faulty television
So, if you are ever in need or you want something resolved and you are thinking should I or shouldn’t I, please remember my motto “if you don’t ask, you don’t get” and if all else fails, don’t let it worry you because they can only say NO.
However there just may be a chance, that they say YES too.