School routine planner
Getting back into a routine after the end of year school break requires some motivation and organisation skills. Having chore charts, schedules …
Getting back into a routine after the end of year school break requires some motivation and organisation skills. Having chore charts, schedules …
If you visit this website/blog frequently, you would have seen I use the crock-pot/slow-cooker quite often. The fact one can cook a …
We all go quite nutty by the end of Christmas; after all the shopping and running around prior to the big day….things …
Does your bathroom have little space to store toiletries, make-up or cosmetics, jewellery and bits and pieces? Or perhaps you don’t have room to put the …
I am not sure if it is the same in your household, however pens are as scarce as hens teeth in a …
What is the most common phrase that gets thrown at parents of large families…no it is not “don’t you have a television“(that’s …
There is nothing better than a delicious bowl of warm soup on a cold and frosty day. Soup is generally made by combining …
It was a cold and wet day again here in VIC. My 3 year old sat glued to the couch watching his …
If by chance you enjoyed reading my last two posts on our driving holiday with the kids, you may have realised (or perhaps …
When you buy or are given a new appliance, are you eager to try it out straight away? Normally I am as …
One of my blog readers asked me the following question: “Hi, I was wondering (when you have time) if you could do a blog on …
Who remembers making popcorn as a child (I know that was a long time ago for me). Mum would pour a great …
As a parent and a mother of 7 children, there would have to be one thing in my busy household that I …
In a life gone by, Mr Sabco Mop was strong, hard working and whizzed around the floor with ease. A day never …
A little while ago one of the end legs of my portable clothes line from HILLS snapped off. It was full of clothes at …