Basic Oven Rice

- 4 tablespoons Olive Oil
- 2 cups Basmati Rice
- 1 – 2 teaspoons of Vegetable or Chicken stock powder (or use two cubes)
- 4 cups boiled water
In a casserole dish (or Corning-Ware) cover the base with the olive oil.
Pour uncooked rice into oil and mix with a wooden spoon until the rice is completely coated in the oil.
Add the Stock powder or cubes, followed by the boiling water and place lid on the dish.
Put in 200C (392F) oven for about 15-20 mins. No stirring needed as the water absorbs into the rice. The rice is ready when there is no water sitting at the base of the dish.
The rice comes out moist and never gluey or sticky.